Initial survey information collected through our intake form during our 2019 test phase:

Average prevalence of respondents who report past behavioral, emotional, financial, occupational, and intimate control.
67% experienced sexual abuse (double that of women reporting sexual abuse in general).

68% Report feeling "often" or "always" alone and having difficulty connecting with other people.
Do you experience repetitive and all-or-nothing thinking? Are you afraid of making mistakes? Do you have difficulties connecting with others, identifying your feelings, communicating your needs, or saying "no?"
Many experience involuntary thoughts, feelings, or behaviors as a result of coercive control. It's a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could escape an abusive situation and just leave all the hurt behind?
However, coercion makes you internalize negative messages about yourself.
In order to fully step away, you have to address the impact of your experience.
Informed support is essential.